My First Award Ever…
I heard the news Sunday morning but this is my first chance to write anything about it.
I’m very happy to have won my first award ever… Scott Hunter and I have won Best Duo for our scene together in Nightfall. It’s also cool that my first award ever was won for a scene I did for Titan… the first studio I ever worked for. Nightfall was a great scene but one of the things I remember the most was how hot it was that day.
The scene takes place late at night in a basement sex club called “TRICK,” but we shot it in the middle of a massive heat wave that swept Los Angeles in an empty space that was once a Tattoo Studio (yes, the same place used for the Tattoo Artist 3-way scene with Caleb Colton, Collin Stone and Christopher Daniels in Jasun Mark’s other movie GRIND. You can see the same metal work on the walls). We had to keep stopping to open the doors, turn on the fans and get some cool air in there.
Scott Hunter is beautiful. Those eyes!
Thanks very much to all involved, Keith and Bruce, Brian Mills, Paul Wilde and of course Jasun Mark who directed the scene. Also Rich and the guys in editing and Robert and the guys in the art department that always make us look so good on the covers of the DVDs. HAHA.
BY THE WAY… Titanmen is currently having a Sale on all of their DVD titles. You can get them for as low as $13.40.
If you want to see an extended preview of the scene, you can watch it at the Titanmen website. And of course, if you want to see previews of ANY of my Titanmen movies, you can see them on the special Jessy Ares page on Titanmen.
And thanks to all of you who keep supporting me both in my porn movies and when I come to sing live in your towns. It’s always a great experience meeting you and having fun live with a real audience.
Keep watching, there’s more on the way.